Winnipeg’s public health insurance system is supplied by Manitoba Health, a subsidiary of Canada’s larger Medicare program. Each eligible resident of the city has full access to physician care and hospital services viewed as medically necessary. Some physicians work beyond the limits of the provincial plan’s guidelines and are thereby required to bill their patients directly for services provided. Oftentimes, in such cases, Manitoba Health will issue a reimbursement. Presenting a personal Manitoba Health card is the key to requesting or receiving doctor care, emergency room treatment and admission to a hospital facility, as well as a host of other medical-related services. Residents who are entitled to the health plan’s benefits, but do not have a provincial health card, are urged to complete an application form and submit it in order to obtain medical coverage.
Outside the basic circle, Manitoba Health offers the people of Winnipeg a limited range of coverage in some areas of extended medical care. For instance, residents under 19 years old or over 64 are entitled to one comprehensive routine vision exam by an optometrist every 2 years. Chiropractic services are insured as well, up to a 12-visit maximum per citizen, per calendar year. Oral and dental surgeries may be further covered by the plan in cases of emergency or when hospital admission is necessary. Insured hospital services include standard room and meal accommodations, essential nursing care, emergency room and equipment usage, surgical implements, prescription drugs dispensed in-hospital, and certain physical therapeutic practices. Winnipeg residents are not insured through Manitoba Health for care or treatments based solely on personal choice, or surgical operations designed to enhance or reduce aspects of the body for cosmetic reasons. Newcomers from Outside the Province Newcomers from Outside the Country Read more about Manitoba health insurance.